Skincare is something each year I vow to start lookingg more into, I want to take care of mine and have this makeup no makeup look but it’s also once of the hardest things to stick to. I look after my nails and hair but for some reason I am not stocked up on all the latest skin care products however I do love a good facial and after the amazing facial, Hannah previously gave me I was super excited to go to her spot called ‘Fresh Face London”.
Fresh Face London is run by Hannah Christina who is a qualified skin specialist with 8 years experience in working with all skin types and multiple skin issues. Hannah previously gave me a mini express facial where I had a cleanse, microdermabrasion and illuminating orange mask.
With this facial I was having every part of my skin was going to be treated this included my oily t zone, a few open pours, blackheads and pigmentation. The steps taken were:
Gentle Cleanser san-acidic face mask
Sanitizer while steaming
Diamond Dirmobrasion
and lastly a san-acidic Algae mask
The cleanse felt and smelt amazing with key ingredients being sage and lavender to “get rid of the negative energy” according to Hannah. After the cleanse my face was steamed for about 15 minutes which felt too quick as I felt as if my face was becoming brand new and the smell of the sanitiser which filled the room was minty and refreshing. This was followed by a diamond dermabrasion to get rid of pigmentation and dead skin. I had this last time and it feels like a slight sucking of the skin, not too painful plus just think of the benefits.
Lastly I had a san-acidic algae mask covering my whole face, including my eyes, nose and mouth. So for those who are a little claustrophobic I wouldn’t suggest to do this as the mask lasts up to 20 minutes. The mask drops your body temperature so I was shivering but oddly it was a nice shiver and made me feel brand new, as if I was in a freezer and slowly defrosting to live a new life with a fresh face, has anyone seen that fake Titanic 3 trailer? That’s the route I’m going down.
Once the mask was over my face was cleansed once more and I was good to go. I was also gifted skin products by “Dr. med. Christine Schrammek” alongside cute Christmas chocolates and sweets. A great way to start my skin care journey. Make sure when you head down to Fresh Face you mention Shahna sent you there.